Home Insurance

Your residence is probably the highest-value item you own. It’s crucial to have appropriate insurance coverage in order to protect it.

Whether you need tenant, owner-resident, condo, revenue property, cottage or seasonal residence insurance, a number of products are available to you. Our brokers can help you choose the products best suited to your needs.

Our excellent products include:

This product lets you freeze your premium for two years, even if an accident should occur during this period. Automatic no-fee withdrawals.
Coverage that allows the insured person to find out about his or her rights and have access to a lawyer in case of certain types of litigation.

Identity theft is now a widespread crime. This coverage reimburses certain costs when you are the victim of this type of crime. Contact us

Rebates and Advantages

By combining your auto and home insurance, you could benefit from a premium reduction, as well as additional benefits.


Automobile Insurance

For more than 45 years we have understood how important your vehicle is to you, as an indispensable tool for your family.

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Business Insurance

Our team of business insurance brokers is here to listen, advise you and offer you a competitive insurance solution.

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Please contact us as soon as possible to submit your insurance claim.

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